#meme #drake #bruhShot the extortionist. A man jumps his motorcycle over many trucks, he lands badly, he flips over the motorcycle, he cracks his head on the front tire, we see his neck snap back, and he slides along track and slams into the wall (he's OK). Gore video – A Chinese man cut his girlfriend’s throat on the street. While all this is going on a women giggling. 53. Ghost Rider didn't have his face flayed and the narrator also mistakes the second victim for Ghost. 1:01. Calvin philips biggest bird. First Released Feb 13, 2007. 5 Abr 2023. 110. Riddled him with bullets. Ghost Rider is the name of multiple superheroes or antiheroes appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Una mujer de 26 años envenenó a su marido y a sus dos hijos. It is not clear who has less brains, girls or this dude. Two Young Women Beat Their Friend. 8K. 11. Ghost Rider movie clips: THE MOVIE: miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: DESCRIPTION:Ca. Funkytown: no comments. Robbery attempt ends in fiasco. A grisly video appeared on the Mundo Narco website, of a savage Los Zetas execution of four persons. The cartel simpyly recording this guy dying in agony. Death by machete chops. Luckily, sicarios attention span is about as long as their IQ is high. Filleted that dude. The video was very popular, and also many shock sites posted it, like GoreDB, Heavy-r. A psychopath livestream beat and cut a woman’s throat. Based on the upcoming film, Ghost Rider will utilize characters from the Hollywood adaptation and the Marvel comic universe. Actualizacion: Este es el ejecutor que torturo al “Ghost rider mexicano” El video donde se puede apreciar la tortura y ejecución de un hombre, conocido como EL “video gore quiero agua” fue obra del sicario conocido como “El payaso”. The upper part of his skull is exposed and they pour alcohol directly on a fresh burn and the dude has no reaction to it or being lit on fire. Jan 25, 2007 - We go for a ride with the Spirit of Vengeance. Ghost Rider #4 goes hard as hell and makes no apologies for it. 73 comments. 4 996 5 0. vivamax movie link rob guinto. 00:00 42. In the video, the hitmen put a knife into his. 00:00. Ghost Rider movie clips: THE MOVIE: miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: DESCRIPTION:Jo. Ghost Rider. There was a shot and a rubber bullet hit the girl in the forehead. Note:. Funkytown or Funky Town is the name of an infamous viral video in which a cartel execution is carried out in a room, with the song "Funkytown" being audibly heard in the final 10 seconds of the 2:50-minute-long video. Indian man had one hand cut off and hung upside down to death. He was the son of famed stuntman Barton Blaze who tragically died during a stunt. As typical with execution videos, each captive is interviewed individually. Wake up man! The death is waiting for you. Dnipro missile attack 2 1 day ago • 49 views Sprinter. share. 1. The victim screamed in pain and begged them to kill him. The Ghost Rider is possessed by one of the strongest and most absurdly angry beings in existence, Zarathos. 48,130 views. A video has emerged of the Zetas drug cartel sawing a man’s feet and then arms off while he is still alive and mocking him: Blogdelnarco presents a video where they cut off his two feet, and when they cut his arm they make fun of him while they force him to say “Bye Bye […]The first time the dude only reacted because CJNG tried to light his nuts on fire. The Guerrero flaying. By John Dodge Jul 1, 2023. Johnathon "Johnny" Blaze a. Other individuals include Johnny's half-brother Danny Ketch, who was imbued with a Spirit of Vengeance by the medallion on his motorcycle's gas cap;. According to an insider, the girls belonged to the “Comando Vermelho” criminal group. 8. Mercedes Driver And An Aggressive Mob Of Cyclists. Ghost Riders (myth), an ancient folk myth. It’s a comic that goes so extreme in its gore and horror you might need to keep the lights on while you. Watch a beautiful girl being shot in cold blood and executed in Brazil, in yet another brutal murder. A motorcycle driver was driving at a red light and collided with a minibus. Los Arzate del Cártel de Sinaloa ordenan ejecutar a "El Flaquito", por traicionero, para adueñarse de Baja California y vengar el robo de drogas. This man is having his genitals eaten by a dog. ADVANCED SEARCH. Ghost Rider Just Revealed the Heartbreaking Truth About Marvel’s Spirits of Vengeance. Executed girls Amanda and Amalia. Marvel's other Ghost Rider is losing his life, and it's all because of the dark and painful truth about hosting a Spirit of Vengeance. One of Mexico’s most violent organizations claimed credit for the gory crime scene, saying the victims were rapists and kidnappers–alleging the murders were part of a “cleanup. This story clarifies fundamental story points while giving readers an esoteric take on the origins of Blaze. . Marvel's newest self-titled Ghost Rider series showcases the Spirit of Vengeance in a unique and impressive way. As far as the origins of Ghost Rider go, The Curse of Johnny Blaze is the gold standard. They are protected by the ukrainian government as two parts Donetsk and luhansk want to secede from ukraine due to the neonazis. Capture The Flag 1 day ago • 480 views Sprinter. 40:00 0. Afterwards he holds it up to the camera Texas Chainsaw style. Villager Killed And Decapitated By Rebels. A Couple Of Men Beat Up A Ukrainian Nationalist. Shot a girl in the head with a traumatic gun. Turned into Ghost Rider. What’s happening in this movie clip?In this clip from Ghost Rider, Johnny Blaze (Nicolas Cage) is imprisoned for a brief moment for murders Blackheart commit. . The Trucker Editionthis week in marvel #45 - nov 9 2022 - black panther: wakanda forever opening weekend; axe judgment day omega #1, fantastic four #1, moon knight #17, captain america: sentinel of liberty #6, legion of x #7, ghost rider #8, amazing. 0. E. 73. . fun Lyrics. Watch the exact moment a man is executed with machine gun fire by cartel members until his guts protrude from his belly. Beheading / Cartel / Execution / Murder / Pure Gore. The motorcycle. A Man's Head Was Cut Off On The Side Of The Road. TikTok video from el levanta rukas 3000🤑 (@_un_wey_random_xd_): "#ghostridermexicano #un_wey_random_xd #lentejas #gor3". The Ghost Rider makes justice beating monsters and devils. Unfortunately I couldn’t find more information about this case, but if I find any information I will post it here. Blaze hasn’t been the only Ghost Rider in the present era! When he gave up his powers in 1983, a new person stepped in to fill the hellish void. By Chivis 7/08/2012 09:29:00 PM. Cartel Members Decapitate The Body Of A Murdered Woman. 7. Cartel executing rival…. After the first blow, the male victim started to asphyxiate in his own blood and later died to a cervical fracture. Una mujer de 26 años envenenó a su marido y a sus dos hijos. Ghost. tt), ChristopherKeroppiPierce(@cjandthedoggosquad), michaela(@xomeditzz) . Brutal bloody murder. La ptm perdi el video. He. “Sources say, after the man. you’re nothing. Another Infamous Cartel Video CJNG Members burn rivals face alive as a way of mocking his nickname "Ghost Rider". Full Version Of Quiero Agua Video Ghost Rider Mexicano Gore El Video On Twitter And Reddit We have already established that internet users have a strong desire to watch the video; however, the film. com, watchpeopledie. 40:00 86. #1. The Ghost Rider's strength, speed, durability, and regeneration are said to be fueled by the sheer spite that Zarathos feels towards all sin and evil. Kneeling on right is Sister in Law. Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación. and I'm not a girl don't misgender me you ignorant bigot, or I'll send the SJW army after you. Ghost Rider Jeff Haynes. 2:31. Fun - Because nothing says 'fun' like bestgore! 12 The infamous video know as "Ghost Rider" (Cartel) - BestGore. Adding to an ever-growing resume, Ketch. a Ghost Rider is an American motorcycle stunt performer, and entertainer turned Spirit of Vengeance. After making a deal with the literal devil in order to save the life of his mentor, Johnny Blaze ends up. The video began to circulate through social networks in the last two weeks, and has since been picked up by various media websites and sources. Fun -. Para convertirse en los únicos dueños de Baja California y vengar el robo de drogas , Los Arzate , del Cártel de Sinaloa , ordenan muerte. Apparently you can see the persons lungs explaining and deflating similar to the Father and son. Watch a man being dismembered alive with a chainsaw by cartel. Seriously. It’s very sad and is probably the worst video I have seen in my life. The Trucker EditionThe gunmen used isopropyl alcohol to set fire to the man’s face and mocked his nickname. Fun - Because nothing says 'fun' like bestgore!I doubt they'd leave a man like that alive bc he wouldn't have anything to live for except the taste of cold and bloody revenge, a man like that would do a suicide bombing or some other self destruction act to get his revenge bc as far as he concerned his life ended when they disfigured him so letting a man like that walk would be a serious threat and hazard to. 1. Edad: 16 años. Contract killing in a street cafe. Most brits wouldn’t say Mencho like Menshow lol. Years ago, motorcycle stuntman Johnny Blaze (Nicolas Cage) sold his soul to save the life of a loved one. Ghost Rider has another run in with Blackheart but then has to shake off the cops. TV&Showbiz videos. El comportamiento de una esposa que mató a su esposo e hijos es demasiado psicópata y aterrador… era el titulo de este video. . I. fun: Video These streets are too straight for your video game heart. “Like in the movie, Avenger Ghost Rider,” can be heard in video one of the gunman taunting his. this dude the type of guy to walk out the science room during dissection because of the smell lmfao. The shock media itself is believed by many to be one of the worst gore videos spread around the internet over the years, with. Reports say the victim was taken to a ranch near Tepalcatepec, where his face was doused with isopropyl alcohol and set afire. Ciudad y dirección: Huauchinango, Santa Dora Av. The massive roller. In the video, you can see the executions of 2 girls: Danisel Bondo and Nara Aline, the second is. Mexico. Then they started beating, cutting, and flaying the son alive. The victim is known as “Ghost Rider” a leader of CU which consists of several groups, allied, largely headed by Los Viagras, to fight against CJNG in Michoacán. The footage shows a masked man. any instance. 40:00 56. You white people owned slaves but yet you wouldn’t call yourselves an animal open you’re eyes your just as bad. My personal order would be something like: Funky Town, Sponsored By Adidas, Guerrero Flaying, Ghost Rider, the pitbull castration. This modern incarnation wields the hero's supernatural power, including Hellfire manipulation. -. The Ghost Rider rides his motorcycle up the side of a building, then down the side of a building. We have lyrics for these tracks by bestgore. The man was stabbed through the head by the HANDLEBARS of a handcart. Tagged: Crime Videos. The massacre is part of increasing violence in southern Mexico. Número de teléfono (Madre):. 119. 35. Be a man leave the screen and the internet for a bit you need rehab seriously. 1. Why putin has invaded ukraine to take these nazi government out. Funky Town or Ghost Rider are always at, or near, the top of any cartel video list. 28. #GhostRider #NicolasCage. The video where you can see the torture and execution of a man, known as THE "gore video I want water" was the work of the hitman known as "The Clown". As a boy, Michael suffered a terrible tragedy. Cartel / Execution / Murder / Pure Gore. 198 votes, 363 comments. The murder charges against her and her son were later dropped. 20. Fun - Because nothing says 'fun' like bestgore! 13 Suicide Immediately After Breakup - BestGore. com, que nos muestra la cruel tortura a un joven por. One day, Michael's father was attacked by Johnny Blaze's Ghost Rider (who was controlled by an evil entity at the time). 1 year ago. País: México. Ghostrider MOR & Ansgar Pahl & Matthias Fuhlendorf. Contract killings, street killings, gang disassemblies, assassinations on video. Shock sites are any piece of media ( website, video, animation, etc. 0. alive000. tv, and so on. 178533217765093, -98. Assassination attempt. Ghost Rider PlayStation 2 Trailer - From Hell. He is the second Marvel character to use the name Ghost Rider, following the Western hero later known as the Phantom Rider, and preceding Daniel Ketch. 09. The capture and gruesome torture took place this weekend. For me it would be: 3 guys 1 hammer.